
Shanti Mishra

You are an amazing person and so professional in your work.your guidance during my suffering from -The emperor of All Maladies has helped me to fight it in a right direction It is not easy job to make every patient feeling he or she is most important which you did in last one and half year.when I was depressed you made me smile when I was illogical refusing for further chemos ,you put logic in my brain and made me stronger. I am fortunate to have a doctor who combines such personal touch and care for a patient with outstanding quality of medical care My sincere gratitude for your skills ,kindness and concerns through this bump in my life journey

Alifia Siddiqui

My name is Alifia Siddiqui Dr Kerkar did My hysterectomy & cholecystectomy Since then I've never had any complaints about my conditions or health He's quite brilliant, chivalrous and a pro at what he does. Highly qualified and appreciated. I couldn't have been in better hands.

I am thankful to Dr Kerkar and his team for convincing and conducting my father’s surgery successfully with good care and dedication. My father was diagnosed with GIST four ago and he was very anxious about surgery since long time however after first consultation itselft he felt secured as he perceived Dr Kerkar’s confidence. He was 71 with HTN , DM , as well as mild heart problems still his surgery and recovery was very impressive. Thank you so much for monitoring him continuously and making sure he was in right path of recovery. He is very professional and skilled as well as very disciplined with rest staff which aids good deliverance of care. My family will always recollect you with great gratitude. Thank you


In 2017, when I went for a regular health checkup, my radiologist found something suspicious, we followed up with a biopsy, which confirmed the cancer in the breast. I was absolutely shattered and clueless. One of my friend suggested to visit Dr. Prashant Kerkar. We visited him, he checked me thoroughly and explained his approach of lumpectomy procedure for me. I was convinced with his approach and successfully got operated. This was the first success of my challenging journey. If not for Dr. Prashant, I would have undergone a mastectomy, which is worse for any woman to go through. I cannot thank him enough for this. This helped me gain confidence and progress in my professional and personal life. After the procedure, there were several other treatment regimes. Dr. Prashant looped in other expert doctors as required and ensured completion on time without any complications to me. I continue to be in his close and careful supervision, which I strongly believe will keep me healthy throughout my life. I am so thankful that my journey brought me to Dr. Prashant. Even years later, I am amazed at the quality of care that I received and still receive. I cannot say enough good things about him. My mother always says that God has come to save you in the form of Dr. Prashant. Dr. Prashant is confident in what he does, his thought process is crystal clear. He spends sufficient time to make sure I am clear and convinced about the treatment plans. I still remember, once he was injured and unable to walk, he still came limping to the hospital to treat me. That is the commitment he gives to his patients. I also want to acknowledge his motivational and pep talk that helped carry me through my fears. Words could never express my gratitude for all he did and continues to do. I feel so blessed to know him and have him as my doctor.

Annie Mendonca

I am Annie Mendonca from Goa, currently living in Dubai, with my family. In April 2011, I noticed a lump on my left breast. I went to a doctor in Dubai. The doctor performed some tests and told me that I have nothing to worry about and to have an operation to get the cyst removed. It was 2.6 cm. For a second opinion, my husband called up the Bombay Hospital in Mumbai and they gave us Dr. Prashant’s contact number. I called Dr. Prashant, read out my report to him and he told me that it is malignant and that I should come to Bombay immediately. However, I still went ahead with the operation in Dubai. Later the doctor in Dubai told me that it was malignant and that I should seek further treatment in India. I was shocked and upset and immediately contacted Dr. Prashant and made plans to come to India.

I met with Dr. Prashant and he advised six chemos, lymph node removal and radiation treatment. My family and I were very worried and anxious. However, Dr. Prashant was very calming, reassuring and he gave us a lot of hope and confidence. I still remember he came to see me in my hospital room, sat next to me, put his arm around me and assured me that I will be fine. I felt I was in safe hands with Dr. Prashant and that God Himself sent Dr. Prashant to me.

I tolerated the six chemos very well and apart from the hair loss, I did not have any other side effects, felt very little pain and my breast was saved as well. Dr. Prashant then referred me to Dr. Nagraj for radiation treatment at Nanavati Hospital and that also was very successful.

After my chemos and radiotherapy, I kept seeing Dr Prashant at regular intervals for further checkups for a few years. All my check-ups went on very well. I am blessed and very thankful that I had Dr. Prashant’s care and continuous support all this time. I am very pleased that Dr. Prashant has become a very dear family friend and we will never forget Dr. Prashant and will always keep him and his family in our prayers.

Tejas satardekar

My name is Tejas my mom was diagnosed with cancer .The day we came to know this we were scattered and clueless. My aunt suggested me to visit Dr. Prashant kerkar. We visited him and it was such a relief because he gave us the necessary time and made us understand the procedure .After that my mom underwent the surgery under expert guidance of Dr. Kerkar and it went very well.. After surgery also he was in touch and guided us with the routine. Dr. Prashant kerkar is an amazing person and Professional at his work. Our family will always be grateful to him. Thank you

Priyanka Thakur

TO WHOM SO-EVER IT MAY CONCERN:: ARUNA THAKUR TESTIMONY; AGE 53 YRS.. This is to inform everyone that my wife Aruna was admitted to Bombay hospital; thinking that she had jaundice;because she had lost lot of weight and she was not eating at all.We were not able to understand what was the problem with her. She was assigned Dr.Prashant kerkar as her doctor; she went through all medical test ; sonography and X- ray report ; but all report were normal;second time; we were told to repeat the test; even the second report test was normal; but Dr.Prashant was not at all convinced by looking at the report;he had something in his mind which he thought could be tumour;so he advised for Biopsy test; a sample was collected and send for test ; andin mean time Dr.Prashant prepared me and told me; if the biopsy test comes positive;then you have to be prepared mentally strong for Major Surgery to be performed on my wife to remove the entire gall bladder out; Evening time the report came positive; and I had goosebump; what to do next; but he had prepared me mentally strong to take the right decision; so I said yes for the surgery;and I was informed that this is going to be major and rare Triple triometry Surgery;which would last for many hours; where the gall bladder duodenum head of pancreas(whipples surgery)would be removed completely by cutting in a triangle way; because the tumor was hidden inside the duodenumr. The operation lasted for 8 to 10 hours; we were all nervous; but Praise God; the surgery went Successful; she came out in utter pain and later on she went through Chemo therapy;where she had lost her hair and lot of weakness were there in her body..Slowly within a year; she came out fully recovered by Grace of God. We just want to Thanks God for sending Dr.Prashant kerkar in our lives.We want to Appreciate and recommend Dr.Prashant Kerkar to the World..With such midas touch; Excellent skills and with complete maturity and diligence; he has done such complicated surgery on my wife Aruna; that I don't have Word to describe.. We just want to say " THANK YOU" Dr.Prashant for saving my wife Aruna...Its been 12 years that she is living Her life to the fullest with no complication at all. We Love you; We Thank You; We recommend Dr.Prashant to everyone; Trust that you are in safe hand.Praise God..We give All the Glory to God.God bless..Regards..Mr.Shantikumar Thakur and Mrs.Aruna Thakur.

Pallavi Naik

My mother was diagnosed with tongue cancer and we had seen around 4 doctors before visiting Dr. Prashant Kerkar. My mother wasn't inclined towards any surgery for the cancer but Dr. Prashant Kerkar was incredibly knowledgeable and made her feel confident in the diagnosis and treatment plan. He was also very personable and made her feel at ease. He took the time to listen to all of our concerns and provided thorough explanations for everything. I'm grateful to have found such a wonderful doctor.

Sourav Chakraborty

Nayna Raut

Imrul Hassan Choudhury

Parameswar MA

Veera Mahabat